By simply visiting our website it does not imply that you are providing us with any personal data or that you are obliged to do so.

However, we must inform you that in order to properly function and offer you a better service uses or activates different cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is the set of characters that are stored on the hard disk or in the temporary memory of a user's computer when accessing the pages of certain websites.

What types of cookies are there?

There are different types of cookies, depending on the service they provide:

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies is processed, we can distinguish between:

How intrusive are they?

Depending on the type of cookies used, different types of data are also obtained, and therefore, the level of intrusion is variable. We can establish three levels of intrusion:

Level 1 or non-intrusive cookies: they are cookies to log in to sites where there are registered users, shopping carts, viewing preferences ... they are inherent to the system and blocking them would cause them not to be able to use the requested services. (techniques, customization)